Monday, May 25, 2015

Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Lake Louise St. Park, Leroy, Mn.

Bobolink from the back, Hayden Prairie, Iowa.  We see very few Bobolinks now, due to the lack of suitable grasslands.

Bobolink blow in the prairie winds.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Wild Geranium, Forestville State Park.


Upland Sandpiper or formally  know as the Upland Plover. A large(10-12in.tall) Sandpiper of the open grasslands. Was once common but has now become uncommon as our pasture and grasslands that were once prairie have turned into the monoculture of corn and soybeans. Found this one in western Fillmore County.  Probably just passing through.

Thursday, May 14, 2015


Male Redstart.  The Redstarts are common nesting warblers in S.E. Minnesota.   About 25+ species of warblers pass through Fillmore County on  their way north from the American Sub-tropics to nest in the upper midwest and Canada each year. Some nest here, but most continue farther north to nest.  The warblers are small, and in general very colorful family of birds.  Most pass through from about May 1 to May 30th each year. We look forward to seeing them each year, but this May has been cold and wet, and the warbler migration thus far has been slow with small numbers of birds. They are declining in numbers as their woodland habitat in both North and Central America is in decline.

We see many Black and White Warblers as they work their way north.

The most abundant warbler to pass though our area is the Yellow-rumped Warbler or sometimes called the Myrtle Warbler. The males, as with all warblers, are more colorful than the females. Thus far we have seen far less of these than most years.

The Common Yellowthroat nest in the thickets of S.E. Minnesota.

Magnolia Warblers are beginning to show up here on their way north.

Yellow Warblers do nest in S.E. Minnesota and are fairly common in open woodlands close to water.

Tennessee Warbler feeding of an orange at our feeder.  The only member of the warbler family that comes to our feeder.      To view more of our over 1500 nature photos go up and to the right and click on May 2015 or any other month desire.  We are also on face book under Gary Erickson.

Nashville Warbler.  Nest up north.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Our first hummer, a male as usual, showed up May 1 this year.  They have showed up here within 4 days of May 4th for 19 our of the last 20 years.

Two male Baltimore Orioles showed up early this morning.  They love our oranges, but love the grape jelly even better. (last years photo as we have rain, fog, and lack of good light to photograph.)

Rose-breasted Grosbeak at our sunflower feeder.  We have several pairs that nest here and they have a somewhat robin-like song the actually is more melodic than the robin.  (last years photo as our weather has been rainy and foggy).

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Saw our first Yellow-rumped Warblers this week.  They are the first of many of the colorful warbler family to show up in the Spring.  Many more of the bright colored warblers will show up here on their way north over the next few weeks.  We will post as many as we can over the next few weeks.

Male Ruby-crowned Kinglet.  The tiny kinglets have been coming through in good numbers for about a week now. 

About the time the White-throated sparrows pull out for the north our White-crowned Sparrows(shown here) show up.  They will stay for a week or so and then also move on.

Each spring about this time we have a few Harris Sparrows show up on our lawn.

Friday, May 1, 2015


Female and male Cooper's Hawk feeding together not far from their nest.

Female Cooper's Hawk.  We found a nesting pair of Cooper's Hawks and watched them for some time.  The female is about the size if a small crow and they hunt birds and rodents.  Not common to find a nest.

Male Cooper's Hawk.  The male is somewhat smaller than the female.  This male was eating when we first found it.  It later gave up its meal to the female and sat off to the side as the female ate its fill.

Hermit Thrush.  The Hermit is the first of the thrushes(after the Robin which is also a thrush) to arrive in Minnesota in the Spring.  The will stay awhile and then head up north.  

Trout Lily