Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Canada Geese, Fillmore Valley.

Bald Eagles beside nest, Fillmore valley.  Saw two nest that each had two adult eagles beside them today.  They are already setting up their nests for later this winter.  The earliest they will lay eggs is probably mid-to-late Feb.

Immature Bald Eagle, Fillmore valley.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Tree Sparrow.  Note the two white wing-bars and a small dark spot on the breast.  A northern sparrow that comes down to spend the winter with us.  Loves brush and does not often come to our feeders.  Had about 10 today-somewhat unusual.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Male Cardinal eating a sunflower during the latest snow & blow.

Junco during the snow.

Monday, December 12, 2016


South Branch Root River at the Mystery Cave Crossing, Forestville State Park.  Bobbie noticed the blue patch on the right side of the river.  Interesting.  Maybe some ice that got over run by the river??  Maybe just how the sunlight was catching the water???

After the snow.  Historic Store, Forestville State Park.

1866 Methodist Church, Granger, Minnesota.

Thursday, December 8, 2016


Cardinal, female.  The Cardinals are sunflower seed fans.  They like to feed later in the day than most other birds.  Currently have about 7 at one time, but after a big snow storm we can get over 30 at a time.

Cardinal, male.

Blue Jay.  Love sunflower seeds, but will eat suet also. Currently have about 8 or 9 daily at our feeders, but as the winter deepens we can get up to 25 at one time.  

Chickadee.  Year around visitor to our feeders.  They prefer sunflower seeds.  They come and go so fast it is hard to get a count on how many we have, but I think we have at least 8 individuals that are constantly coming to our feeders.

Red-breasted Nuthatch.   A winter visitor from up north.  We have these most years, and have two right now at our feeders.   Eat suet, but seem to prefer sunflower seeds.  

White-breasted Nuthatch.  At our feeders year around.  Love both suet and sunflowers.  

Purple Finch, male.  A visitor from up north.  This one is a March Purple Finch and is already showing off its deep red color for the upcoming breeding season.  We see Purple Finches at our feeders most years.  Have between 5 and 8 daily now.  TO SEE MORE OF THE WINTER BIRDS AT THE FEEDERS , GO UP AND TO THE RIGHT, AND CLICK ON DECEMBER 2016.

Downy Woodpecker, male.  The female will not have the red on the back of the head. This is the smallest woodpecker that shows up at our feeders.  They like suet, but will eat sunflowers also.

Hairy Woodpecker, female.  The male will have a little red on the white steak behind they eye.  The Hairy is almost identical to the Downy Woodpecker but is larger and has a somewhat longer beak.

Red-bellied Woodpecker, female. The male will have more red on the head.  Like suet, but loves sunflowers. I know, the name does not fit the bird.    

Pileated Woodpecker.  Almost as big as a crow.  Does not come to feeders often, but will on occasions show up to eat suet or sunflowers. I have heard it likes peanut butter, but I have not tried that one.

Purple Finch, female.  The female House Finch is very similar to this, but the female House Finch is not as darkly marked and does not have the prominent Brown marking behind the eye that you see on the Purple Finch pictured here. Purple Finches also perch more upright.

House Finch, male.  Looks a lot like the Purple Finch, but note the brownish streaking behind the legs on this House Finch(the Purple Finch will not have that.)  The House Finches also tend to sit more horizontal than the Purple Finch.

Junco.  They came down from up north in October and will spend the winter here.  They prefer to feed on the ground and eat the smaller seed rather than the sunflowers.  Have about 30 each day now feeding on the ground(I throw the smaller seed mix on the ground for them.)

Goldfinch in its dull winter colors.  Currently have our usual 5-10 Goldfinches eating sunflowers at our feeders.  If the winter gets really bitter they tend to pull out on us.

Pine Siskin.  A visitor from up north that we see about 1 out of 3 years at our feeders.  Like to hang around with the Goldfinches. Note the yellow on the wing and the streaked breast.  None so far this year.

Redpoll.  Uncommon at our feeders, usually a bird of our winter roadsides-if it shows up at all.  Comes down some winters from up north.  Have not seen any the last two winters.

Mourning Dove.  See a few at the feeders most winters.  Have none this year so far.

Grackle.  Have one almost every winter lately.  This one is currently at our place.

Tree Sparrow.   Note the black spot on its breast-helps to identify this one.  In winter this sparrow comes down from up north to spend time with us.  It does not often come to the feeders as it prefers thick brush.

White-throated Sparrow.  A normal fall and spring migrant here, but often shows up at our feeders in the winter.  Currently have one here this  December.

House (English) sparrow.  A common pest at our feeders-invader from England.

Starling.  The sharp beaked English invader is an unwelcome bird at my feeders.

Fence-line frost early yesterday.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

First snow of the season.  Had 2+ inches.