Shooting Stars are early prairie flowers that bloom best in recently burned over areas. They vary in color from white to almost purple. A great place to see these is on one of the few remaining wild praires-Hayden Prairie a few miles West of Lime Springs, Iowa. There is a sign Just south of Lime Springs what directs you west to the Prairie. It is, in my view, the best wild prairie in the area.
The Yellow-rumped also called the Myrtle Warbler is named for its yellow rump and is therefore very easy to identify. It is also the most common warbler to pass through this area. This warbler is also usually the first of the many warblers to arrive here. We saw our first Yellow-rumped on April 4th of this year and there are still quite a few that have not yet headed north.
Our first hummer arrived May 4, 2011. We have lived in our current home for 13 years and for 13 years the first hummer has always arrived between May 1 and May 4. We mix 1 cup sugar and 4 cups water, boil, cool and use this as our mix for the hummers. I took this picture about two years ago right outside our window.